Uni-High 华人家长积极捐款助学校
4月9日,近20名华人家长和学生把4000美元的捐款送到Uni-high体育负责人Mr. McCaffrey手中。人
上周,Mr. McCaffrey给家长们发了一封求助信,信中说:“ Uni-High体育馆的地板已经严重老化,座椅已经使用了20年,墙壁也多年没有粉刷。我们的运动员在这里训练,学校的很多活动在这里举行,很多学生俱乐部也需要使用我们的体育馆,可以说,体育馆是我们校区非常重要场所。所以,今年暑假我们将装修我们的体育馆。”但目前资金还有缺口,他恳请家长们能捐助学校体育馆的装修工程。
他的请求得到Uni-high华人家长的热情支持,短短4天内,我们就募集到4000美元的捐款,今天,由部分家长和学生代表把捐款送到学校。Mr. McCaffrey接到捐款时说,学校非常感谢华人家长的热心捐款,这笔捐款对翻新体育馆有很大帮助,家长的帮助会让所有的学生受益。他将把华人家长的集体捐款活动转告全校,希望能带动更多人支持帮助学校。家长代表还参观了体育馆,表达了今后愿加强与学校间沟通并合作的愿望。
On April 9th, 2014, about 30 Chinese families donated over $4,000 for the University high school Gym Renovations project.
Last week, some of our Chinese parents got an email from Uni High athletic director Mr. McCaffrey asking for donations. In the email, he said that "The gym floor is experiencing huge signs of wear… The gym is starting to show its age and we need to do some upgrades so our athletes can compete in a quality environment. The UNI gym is truly a focal point of our campus. And the Gym renovations project needs to raise $14,000.00 donation”. When our Chinese parents knew that the gym renovation needs some money, they were very eager to help. During the past 4 days, we raised over $4,000 for the project. Today, several family representatives delivered the donations to school and athletic director Mr. McCaffrey was really pleased and appreciated by our support, and said that the donation we made is a huge help to the project and benefits all of UNI students. He emailed the school’s parents regarding Chinese parent’s donations and hopes to encourage more families to support the school. The Chinese parents representatives also expressed our willingness which we like to communicate more and support the school in the future.
An update on our athletic fundraising campaign
Last week we launched a fundraising campaign to try to raise funds to make some improvements to our outdated gym. We had a great response from the UNI community. The response shows how necessary these improvements are. If you would like to make a donation please drop off your check to the athletic office. All checks should be made out to UHS. You can also contact Kevin McCaffrey at Kevinmccaffrey@iusd.org if you need any additional information.
We want to send a special THANK YOU to the Chinese PTA who has donated over $4,000 towards this project.
New donations received this week are highlighted.
Auburn Band $1000
PE Department $1000
Girls Volleyball Program $1000
JCL $500
Trojan Army $500
Wrestling Program $300
Personal Donations
Anonymous Donor $5000
Chinese PTA $4000
Family Donations $1300
Business Donations
Y.E.A. Consulting $200
Thank you to everyone who has helped with this project.
上周,Mr. McCaffrey给家长们发了一封求助信,信中说:“ Uni-High体育馆的地板已经严重老化,座椅已经使用了20年,墙壁也多年没有粉刷。我们的运动员在这里训练,学校的很多活动在这里举行,很多学生俱乐部也需要使用我们的体育馆,可以说,体育馆是我们校区非常重要场所。所以,今年暑假我们将装修我们的体育馆。”但目前资金还有缺口,他恳请家长们能捐助学校体育馆的装修工程。
他的请求得到Uni-high华人家长的热情支持,短短4天内,我们就募集到4000美元的捐款,今天,由部分家长和学生代表把捐款送到学校。Mr. McCaffrey接到捐款时说,学校非常感谢华人家长的热心捐款,这笔捐款对翻新体育馆有很大帮助,家长的帮助会让所有的学生受益。他将把华人家长的集体捐款活动转告全校,希望能带动更多人支持帮助学校。家长代表还参观了体育馆,表达了今后愿加强与学校间沟通并合作的愿望。
On April 9th, 2014, about 30 Chinese families donated over $4,000 for the University high school Gym Renovations project.
Last week, some of our Chinese parents got an email from Uni High athletic director Mr. McCaffrey asking for donations. In the email, he said that "The gym floor is experiencing huge signs of wear… The gym is starting to show its age and we need to do some upgrades so our athletes can compete in a quality environment. The UNI gym is truly a focal point of our campus. And the Gym renovations project needs to raise $14,000.00 donation”. When our Chinese parents knew that the gym renovation needs some money, they were very eager to help. During the past 4 days, we raised over $4,000 for the project. Today, several family representatives delivered the donations to school and athletic director Mr. McCaffrey was really pleased and appreciated by our support, and said that the donation we made is a huge help to the project and benefits all of UNI students. He emailed the school’s parents regarding Chinese parent’s donations and hopes to encourage more families to support the school. The Chinese parents representatives also expressed our willingness which we like to communicate more and support the school in the future.
An update on our athletic fundraising campaign
Last week we launched a fundraising campaign to try to raise funds to make some improvements to our outdated gym. We had a great response from the UNI community. The response shows how necessary these improvements are. If you would like to make a donation please drop off your check to the athletic office. All checks should be made out to UHS. You can also contact Kevin McCaffrey at Kevinmccaffrey@iusd.org if you need any additional information.
We want to send a special THANK YOU to the Chinese PTA who has donated over $4,000 towards this project.
New donations received this week are highlighted.
Auburn Band $1000
PE Department $1000
Girls Volleyball Program $1000
JCL $500
Trojan Army $500
Wrestling Program $300
Personal Donations
Anonymous Donor $5000
Chinese PTA $4000
Family Donations $1300
Business Donations
Y.E.A. Consulting $200
Thank you to everyone who has helped with this project.